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Ghost Stop


Unreal Engine 4

+ Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Audition, & Aseprite

This project is my favorite so far!  During the creation of this game, I learned how to use Adobe Audition and the newest edition of Blender.  This game is still a work in progress, but I am already ecstatic to show it off!  I modeled, shaded, animated, coded, composed, and designed every element from start to finish.  

Pocket Pets


Unreal Engine 4

+Aseprite & Adobe Illustrator

This is my first 2D game! When I started this game, I had little to no idea what I really wanted it to be.  I wanted to learn how to make a 2D game, and how to make pixel art.  After working on it for a couple weeks, I realized that I wanted my game to be something that people can play when they are stressed or anxious: something that helps them get to a better place.  Playing with pets, learning self-love, planting a garden, and keeping a journal are all things that can be helpful when we have anxiety, so that's what I wanted in my game.  I loved the idea of making it look like those little Polly Pocket purses that opened up to be a house.  While this is an unfinished game, it was a fun way to learn game development while I was was in my last two years of college.



Unreal Engine 4

+Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk Maya, & Aseprite

This game was a way for me to learn how to create different branches of dialogue for multiple players.  It also included an objectives system and a "portal" that took the player into a new map: the inside of the cave.  This game is unfinished, but I am happy with the character design I made for the dialogue as well the foliage (tulips, grass, and trees) that I sprinkled across the landscape.

Passthrough Park


Unreal Engine 4

+ Autodesk Maya, Adobe Illustrator, & Adobe Photoshop

This game is a little different because it is actually based on a real-life park that I designed with a small team.  Working alongside the Parks Department in Richmond, Indiana, as well as the mayor, three teammates and I redesigned a small passthrough to create a pocket park.  One of my main tasks was to figure out the landscaping - what we would need, how much of it, and how much it would cost.  On top of that, everything we put into our individual designs had to be put into a cost analysis, had to be accessible, and had to meet the needs of the city. 


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